Dvar Torah Bo 5785 - making the weak strong.
At the end of the parsha, as the Jews are leaving Egypt, G-d introduces the mitzvah of tefillin: “It shall be a sign upon your arm (ידכה)...
Dvar Torah Vaera - 5785
The Torah says (Shemos 6:13), “G-d spoke to Moshe and Aharon and commanded them ( ויצום ) regarding the Children of Israel and regarding...

Dvar Torah Shemos 5785 - Saving Jewish Children
As part of Pharaoh’s ongoing campaign to subjugate the Jews, “the king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives: … ‘When you deliver the...
Dvar Torah - Vayechi 5785
At the end of Sefer Beraishis, Yaakov offers his final words to each of his children, reflecting on their characteristics and their...
Dvar Torah - Vayigash 5785
In this week’s parsha, Yosef finally revealed to his brothers that he was the Viceroy of Egypt. The brothers were taken aback, and were...