Dvar Torah - Pinchas 5784
In this week’s parsha, we learn how the five daughters of Zelophehad “stood before Moshe, before Elazar the Kohen, and before the leaders...
Dvar Torah - Balak 5784
This week’s parsha tells us the story of how Balaam was hired to curse the Jews. The people of the time apparently believed that Balaam...
Dvar Torah - Chukas 5784
This week’s parsha tells us (Bamidbar 20:1) “The Children of Israel, the whole assembly, arrived at the wilderness of Zin in the first...
Dvar Torah - Korach 5784
When Korach’s rebellion broke out, Moshe was confronted with a major challenge to his authority, led by Korach, Dasan and Aviram. Moshe...