Dvar Torah - Miketz 5785
The beginning of the parsha tells us an astonishing story. Because no one was able to satisfy Pharaoh with an interpretation of his...
Dvar Torah - Vayeshev 5785
The Torah tells us that Yosef resisted the entreaties of Potifar’s wife, who desired to commit adultery with Yosef. Unable to seduce...
Vayishlach 5785
Before Yaakov met Esav after twenty years, Yaakov sent Esav an immense gift of livestock (see Beraishis 32:14-22). When they finally met,...
Vayetzei 5785
When Yaakov took his family and fled from Lavan, Lavan chased after him and caught up with Yaakov. He then indignantly berated Yaakov for...