Parshas Ki Savo 5784
Before the Torah starts the Tochecha , the listing of curses that will befall the Jewish people if they do not listen to the word of...
Parshas Ki Seitze 5784
The Torah tells us (Vayikra 23:22-24) “If you make a vow to Hashem, your G-d, do not delay in discharging it; for Hashem, your G-d, will...
Dvar Torah - Shoftim 5784
The Torah opens this week with laws regarding judges. The Torah mandates that the judges “shall judge the people with righteous...
Dvar Torah - Re'eh 5784
The parsha this week begins with (Devarim 11:26): “See, I present before you today a blessing and a curse. ראה אנכי נתן לפניכם היום ברכה...
Dvar Torah - Ekev 5784
The Torah says (Devarim 11:6): “and what He did unto Dasan and Aviram, the sons of Eliav, the son of Reuven; how the earth opened her...
Dvar Torah - Ve'eschanan 5784
The Torah says (Devarim 6:18) “And you shall do what is upright and good (הישר והטוב) in Hashem’s eyes that it may go well with you and...
Dvar Torah - Devarim 5784
At the beginning of the parsha, Moshe informs us what occurred earlier at the time he first began appointing judges: “I said to you at...
Dvar Torah Matos-Masai 5784
The Torah tells us how the tribes of Reuven and Gad desired to relinquish their right to inherit land in Israel, and instead requested...
Dvar Torah - Pinchas 5784
In this week’s parsha, we learn how the five daughters of Zelophehad “stood before Moshe, before Elazar the Kohen, and before the leaders...
Dvar Torah - Balak 5784
This week’s parsha tells us the story of how Balaam was hired to curse the Jews. The people of the time apparently believed that Balaam...