Dvar Torah - Chukas 5784
This week’s parsha tells us (Bamidbar 20:1) “The Children of Israel, the whole assembly, arrived at the wilderness of Zin in the first...
Dvar Torah - Korach 5784
When Korach’s rebellion broke out, Moshe was confronted with a major challenge to his authority, led by Korach, Dasan and Aviram. Moshe...
Dvar Torah - Shlach 5784
This week’s parsha focuses on the sin of the Miraglim, the spies who were sent out to scout the land of Canaan for the upcoming entry of...
Dvar Torah - Beha'aloscha
At the end of Parshas Beha’aloscha, the Torah tells us about the disparaging words (lashon hora) that Miriam told Aharon regarding their...
Dvar Torah - Naso 5784
At the end of the parsha, the Torah lists the offering of each of the twelve tribes. Although the Torah catalogs the identical offerings...

Forever Ours
By Rabbi Dani Staum In a commencement address to the Eagle Hill School Class of 2013, noted educator Rick Lavoie spoke about the...

We're Bleeding
We’re bleeding. Our Jewish community is need of a strong refuah now. Last night a former student from a yeshiva I taught at recognized me...

Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser speaks on behalf of Our Jewish Children
On Motza’ei Shabbos March 7, community members gathered at the home of Lew and Beth Gray in Kew Gardens Hills to hear Rabbi Dovid...

Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser to speak on March 7 for Our Jewish Children
Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser, noted author, acclaimed lecturer and syndicated columnist, will be speaking on behalf of Our Jewish Children on...
A Lost Student
We’re bleeding. Our Jewish community is need of a strong refuah now. Last night a former student from a school where I teach recognized...